Sunday, December 31, 2017

As Was His Custom

He traveled to the region of Judea and crossed the Jordan. Crowds of people followed Him.

And as was His custom ... He taught them.

As I have studied the four books of the Gospel in recent months, four words jumped off the page and have kept me thinking.

As was His custom.

And here's what it got me to thinking ... what is "my custom" and is that how I want my life defined?

She went to work every day ... as was her custom.

She ate at Casa Guerrero weekly ... as was her custom.

She watched Fixer Upper and Blue Bloods ... as was her custom.

She loved her family and spent time with them every chance she got ... as was her custom.

All those things are fine, but are they what I want to define me?

Jesus' ministry was marked by teaching, performing miracles, and separating Himself for the purpose of prayer.  These actions were like neon arrows all pointing to the foundation of what was His custom.

He was obedient to the Father.

These customary actions grew out of His desire to please and honor the Father.

2018 is here. I realize that what was my custom in 2017 doesn't have to carry into 2018. In fact, what is my custom today, doesn't have to be tomorrow ... unless I so choose.

When I think about the grace and love of God, I am awed that the greatest power in all eternity has given you and me the opportunity to choose to please and honor Him. To choose obedience.

I want my life in 2018 to be marked by obedience.

Even as I type it, I am aware of the gravity of that statement. Obedience will lead me into the unfamiliar, but the beauty of it all is I will not take that path alone.

Obedience in the words I speak or don't speak, the places I go, the thoughts I think. Obedience born out of a stronger prayer life. Obedience born out of knowing Him better.

And then the crowds converged on Him again and, as was His custom, He began teaching them once more. Mark 10

She baked cinnamon rolls for the Bible School volunteers ... as was her custom.

She loved the children ... as was her custom.

She drank a little bit of coffee with her cream ... as was her custom.

She loved the LORD with all her heart and purposed in her heart to be found obedient ...

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