Sunday, July 30, 2017

Flip Flops, Full Bellies and a Loose Tooth

It's almost time to close the chapter of VBS 2017.



I don't think it's possible to put into words exactly what happens during the week we call VBS.

But, is it possible to keep the focus among the hundreds (yes, thank God, I said hundreds) of little faces that passed by multiple times a day?

Is it possible to keep the focus by Thursday, when adults and teen helpers are fatigued?

Is it possible to remember we were all together last week for such a time as this--to tell the good news of the great Gospel of Jesus?

Yes. Yes it is.

Easy? No. Never easy.

I love that I am blessed to have the birds-eye view of what takes places 9:00-12:30, Monday through Friday during TOBC VBS. (I know the same things happen at thousands of churches across the nation)

Children get fed snacks and lunches. Their thirst is quenched by ice cold lemonade.

Children wearing shoes too small or too large find themselves offered a pair just their size.

Lord, when did we see you naked and clothe you or hungry and feed you?

Vacation Bible School.

As we poured into the lives and hearts of these kids, we overcame fatigue and irritability for the sake of the gospel. We taught the children they were created on purpose and with purpose, by a loving God who wants a relationship with each one of us.

We sang songs about God's love that will ring in their hearts all year long.

We learned amazing biblical truth--seeds planted in willing hearts.

I watched as adults prayed together, laughed together, and built new friendships.

And yupp, there was even a loose tooth pulled after Mom gave us permission.

What happens now that the decorations are down and the materials ready to pass along to another church?

What happens now that the volunteers have gone back to their daily routines and the kids get ready to begin another school year?

My prayer is each one who came in contact with The One True God--volunteers and kids--would be changed because of it. Each person, ready to be UNCOMMON in their lives.

My prayer is for the volunteers to crave to be used by God to help others know him and love Him.

My prayer is for the children to want more...more of Jesus.

I love VBS.

I love my Jesus.

I love what God does that week.

And I can't wait to see what He is doing because of it...

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


What is our purpose on this big blue marble?

Are we here to entertain the gods?

Are we here to struggle, wonder why, curse the day, and return to dust?

Are we here to pretend everything is always okay as  we live in our own world of make believe?

Maybe we are here to buy the biggest toys and be the most successful on the block.




For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is God's power for salvation to everyone who believes.

There it is. All summed up for me in one short Bible verse.

Our purpose on earth is for a relationship with Jesus that overflows and spills out onto those around us, leading to a relationship with Jesus that overflows and spills out onto those around us, leading to a relationship with Jesus that overflows and spills out onto those around us...

Forget the gods of this world--sports, money, personal satisfaction, success in business.

Forget the struggles of life that many of us like to think we experience in solitude...truth be remembered, every person (believer and non) struggles with the difficulties of life. Because...that's life.

Forget  looking to the make-believe that keeps us from staring reality in the face. Pretending we have all the time we need to come to terms with the gospel...pretending tomorrow is the day we will choose God...pretending personal beliefs are truth regardless of what the Bible tells us...

If Romans 1:16 is a true statement for each of us who  claim Jesus as Savior and Lord...what difference does it make?

For if God has the power unto salvation, can we not trust Him with all other matters of life?

God seeks and saves.

Our purpose on this big blue marble is that of a relationship with Jesus that grows and flourishes to the point of wanting all those around us to know the joy of salvation.

The freedom in forgiveness.

The peace that comes in trusting The One who created and knows all...

Let's be unashamed together.

Let's grow and flourish and tell our friends, co-workers...strangers in the grocery store...that Jesus still offers life eternal.

VBS makes me think of these things in a magnified way...

Won't you join me?

I am unashamed of the Gospel of Christ.

Picture props belong to my sister, Cari. She describes this pic as the path in her mind that leads to her real home, heaven. How perfect.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Melania's Wardrobe, Floating Yoga and Twitter Troubles

Headlines are full of fascinating and helpful information.

Ben Affleck's new girlfriend, Shia LaBeouf arrested, Germany's Prince Ernst married, and Ashton Kutcher got himself in hot water over a tweet...


We can, with a quick click, read about floating yoga, Netflix, and Melania's wardrobe.

If we dig a little deeper we can even read about a bear that mauled a shepherd in Romania.

Mmmm...yeah...not impressed.

As for me, I'm involved in something more important that some Hollywood misstep or even balancing myself on a floating mat--which is really good, because I'm not into yoga or water-stuff.

Days filled with people and prayers, rockets and glow-in-the-dark stars. Attention given to allergy alerts and friendships, background checks and glue sticks.

Having a plan in place to buy new shoes for a child who wears a pair two sizes too big and being sure the volunteers are ready to fix food to fill hungry bellies.

Reminding my friends that for one full week, for every child who walks through our doors, we are the hands and feet of Jesus.

Those of you who know me well, know I am full-swing into the final days of preparation for Vacation Bible School.

This blog is asking you to click the X in the top right of your screen...after you finish reading, of course!

Put your phone down and say a focused prayer for the most important week of the year. The week set aside for sharing the great news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with boys and girls.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, Jesus is not just for kids. Jesus lived and died and lives again in order to provide a way for us to have a relationship with Him.

God is real.

He is good.

He is faithful.

You can trust Him.

I do hope Shia straightens up and I wish Prince Ernst well and I mean no disrespect to any of them when I say I didn't read past the headlines...



if you'll excuse me...

I feel a worthwhile tweet coming on...

Saturday, July 1, 2017

America's Son

It was early July, 2011.

We were there with others. We looked on with pride and fear as America's sons, brothers, and fathers took their places in line up.

We were there to support them and pray for them and to wish them well and to say "We will see you later."

And we watched with pride and fear as America's sons, brothers, and fathers boarded the bus.

As for me, I couldn't breathe. I looked at my tall, strong young man and I saw the little boy who spent years in the dirt. The boy who farmers sought out on Sunday mornings, asking him to pray for rain. The little boy who preferred anything outdoors over anything indoors.

And I saw the light-hearted boy who stood next to me as we watched the towers fall the day before his 12th birthday. The day that something moved in his heart.

I saw the teenager who talked with me--sometimes late into the night--about school, football, his future, life and love and God.

I saw a young man who determined 10 years earlier to make a difference.

America's son, the young man who told his "Pop" and me, "I am safer in God's will in Afghanistan than outside His will in Greeneville,"

After the bus drove out of sight, the families of those who came to support, pray, wish them well and say "We will see you later" solemnly slipped into their vehicles.

There were no words in our car. I can't say what moved through the hearts and minds of our young man's pop and sisters...but I remember clearly what moved in me.

Blurry vision and still unable to breathe, I determined I would pray every day...okay, without ceasing...and trust God to be who He says He is.

Just as events change lives forever--births, deaths, storms, graduations, illnesses, weddings--deployment changed me forever.

There are truths in life that have always caused great awe in me...

The American flag.

Veterans, old and young.

The Star Spangled Banner.

The Constitution.

The Declaration of Independence.

The thought of a God who created us and cares about the details of life.

And watching God work in and through my children.

It was early July, 2011.

Yes, the star spangled banner still waves, o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Thank you, Lord.

Thank you, USMC Sergeant Pierce.

Thank you, American Military.

I still pray without ceasing.