Friday, September 8, 2017

God Is...

God is Truth.

God is Holy.

God is Mercy.

God is Grace.

God is Patience.

God is Good.

God is the creator of all nature. He set laws of nature into motion.

I can confidently say, God did not cause these storms. He is not playing some cosmic game of chess, as Satan would have us believe.

Can God stop these storms? Of course He can. Why doesn't He? I do not know.

What I DO know, is God longs for a relationship with each and every human on earth. His love is big enough and his grace is wide enough. Over and over and over again, scripture teaches us of His love that leads to forgiveness and everlasting life.

Scripture is also clear that all of nature calls out to the existence of God. Not just the bright sun and the birds that sing. The rainbows and flowers, the trees that clap their hands and the rocks that cry out--they are not alone. Even the thunder that pounds through us after lightening rips through the skies, the winds that howl and the storms that swirl--they, too, call out to the existence of God.

But before we, as puny and limited humans, point our tiny fingers at the great Creator of all that is and accuse Him of sending massive heartache and destruction, we should pause.

Yes, I said pause.

Pause and search the scripture, for that is the truth we hold in our hands, for the heart of God.

God is Kind.

God is Healer.

God is Light and Life.

God is Restoration.

God is Peace.

If you know Him ... if Jesus is in your heart and welcomed in your life ... He will never leave you and His promises are kept.

If you do not know Him ... seek Him while you can. Message me. I would love to tell you more about His faithful love.

God is Holy.

God is Truth.

God loves you.

O taste and see that the LORD is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him. Psalm 34:8

Thank you Haley White for use of your beautiful photo!

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