Sunday, April 16, 2017

That Highly Favored Kind of Feeling

I am feeling extremely special and loved.

You see, I am a part of a precious church family. I know there are countless church families, just like mine, all around the world.

They are families full of people who love each other. People who, when they say they are praying for you, really pray.

I will travel this week to spend a bit of time with someone I dearly love. She's beginning yet another chapter of tough stuff. She's no stranger to life's battles. What I've learned from her though, in each battle, is there's no such thing as quitting.

My church family learned of this new battle and covered me with their love this morning. I received hugs and encouragement and the promise of prayer and numerous "call or text if you need anything" even the offer to travel to where I will be if needed.

This, my friends, is the joy and blessing of being a part of God's family.

As I type this blog and listen to my favorite Janet Paschal songs, I am reminded of God's faithfulness in all seasons. I am grateful He uses His people to be "God with skin on."

This highly favored kind of feeling, it doesn't belong to me alone. That's one of the amazing truths of the family of God.

These people love God.

And they love me.

And they love each other.

Perhaps you are dealing with the speed bumps of life on your own. You don't have to.

God is willing and ready to be your everything.

And His people. . . well, they gather every Sunday and worship Him. Churches full of real people, people with weakness and imperfections. People trying to learn how to be more like Jesus; people who want to love Him more. People who fail. People who hurt. People who long for heaven.

Look around you and choose a place to worship. Become a part of God's great family.

This highly favored kind of feeling, it comes from God. He uses His people to make it known.

Thank you, my precious church family, for loving me. Thank you for praying for me and those I love. Thank you for your favor.

 Don't walk through life without being a part of a church family. You'll experience what it's like to be highly favored.


  1. We love you Shelley, will pray for you and that special person.

  2. Thank you Patty, so much! I love you too.
