Sunday, November 8, 2015

I'm Sorry. I Didn't Know.

It's November and Facebook accounts are lighting up with "Today I am thankful for..."
I think it's great to use fb in a positive way. My husband has always said the internet and social media are neither good nor bad, it's all in how they are used. He's right.

So, I thought I'd do my own "thankful challenge" and give you a list of people we often forget to thank. I will try not to preach.

The overlooked and under-thanked:

The custodian at work/church
The person at the drive-thru window
The pharmacy tech
Office assistants and receptionists
Your church pianist and praise band/choir members
Your best friend
The mail carrier
The IT guy/gal
A good neighbor
Your veterinarian
That person who is always there for you
Your bank teller
The lady at the check out that you see several times a week (the bagger as well)
While we are at the grocery store, don't forget the butcher and baker
School teachers and principles
The bus driver
The mechanic
The coach

And near and dear to my heart, take time to thank the people at church who teach and keep your children safe while you are in Sunday School, worship, choir rehearsal, meetings...don't be in such a hurry when you drop kids off or pick the kids up that you can't take a moment to appreciate the teachers for faithfully giving their time and their hearts. Great children's classes and childcare operates smoothly and to the point that folks never think twice about it being available. Because I get to work closely with the people who do such a great job at our church, I know of their personal concerns and struggles--health, family, work--and yet they give each week. Stop and say thank you.

As a matter of fact, the list of overlooked and under-thanked is full of folks who also have struggles.
Most importantly, we don't know the spiritual health of any person in our circles at work, school or church. Be Jesus to those with whom you come in contact.

Have you ever been quick to judge or fuss at someone only to have them reply by telling you they have just experienced a life altering or very troubling day and you immediately respond "I'm sorry, I didn't know"? The Holy Spirit has convicted me more than once, we shouldn't have to "know" what's going on in another person's life before we know how to treat them.

Scripture is so clear. Treat others as more important than yourself. That is not followed by an "unless you didn't know" or any other disclaimer.

Perhaps the most important way you can show your gratitude for the people in your life is to pray for them. Truly pray for them.
And when you say thank you, let them know you prayed for them. It will change the course of their day...and yours too.

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