Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Watch God Do Amazing Things

The children of Israel watched from afar as the Levitical priests carried the ark of the covenant. Just as God instructed, the priests entered the waters. Just as God promised, the waters stopped flowing as soon as their feet came in contact with the Jordan River as it overflowed its banks.

One day prior, Joshua gathered the people and told them to get ready.

"Consecrate yourselves (set yourself apart for God's glory). Stand back and watch God do amazing things!)

The people did what God commanded. They gathered 12 stones--boulders--from the riverbed and made a remembrance monument on the banks. They built this remembrance so the children would one day wonder at that pile of large rocks.

How did it get there?


Those questions opened the door for parents and grandparents to tell the children of the amazing way God protected and cared for them as they walked in the wilderness.

Remembering is important.

I have a picture in my mind of our daughter, Hannah, just a few weeks old. She is snuggled up in a baby swing, sleeping soundly. I stood and watched her and thought "I will remember this moment and this beautiful little girl always."

The last time I hugged my sweet "Big Grandpa" as we called him, the Holy Spirit whispered to my heart and I knew I would not see him again this side of heaven. I vividly remember that hug.

I enjoy remembering sweet moments in time.

The Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference at Ridgecrest in North Carolina just wrapped up 2017. What a privilege to get to attend.

The worship was very special. As I sang along with my writing-family, I began to remember what weighed me down a year ago. And the year before that. And the year before that.

There are reasons to remember the not so sweet moments.

We all have concerns that weave their way into our thoughts. I really have no need to list any, because you are listing your own write now.

So go ahead, and just for 30 seconds or so, list them.

One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi . . .

Times Up.

Now think back to this time last year. And the year before that. And the year before that.

Can you remember what weighed on you? The best part of remembering is recalling the ways God worked. Now, this is your queue to praise God for His faithfulness in your life. Notice, I didn't say God did everything your way. God is wise and just and powerful and merciful and loving.

When we trust God to be God. . .when we choose to rely on Him through faith. . .we can know that no matter what, NO MATTER WHAT, God works in all things to bring good to those who love Him.

As I worshipped at Blue Ridge, I counted the ways God worked and provided in the past year.

The God of Joshua hasn't changed.

He is my God.

And today, I choose obedience.

And I'm watching, because He will do amazing things.

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