Surely, no matter what your political preference or religious affiliation, you are all too aware of the anger and stress that is overflowing in the realm of social media.
It's dangerous to post even the most neutral statement.
What's a believer in Jesus and all He taught supposed to do? How should we handle ourselves when, truth be told, we find it hard to resist posting our convictions?
Let's begin with a fact or two we really don't like to think about.
We post so people will "like" our words and amen them, maybe if we are really lucky our opinion will be shared. We might say we hope to sway someone or win them over, but in reality we know we are just talking to ourselves.
I don't know anyone who changed his or her convictions because of a demeaning video or a sarcastic meme. I haven't met the person who read an article and decided to admit they were wrong.
Maybe we should go back to Sunday School 101.
Be ye kind to one another.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone.
We can be an instrument of God's peace by resisting the temptation to get into that battle of words that we know will not bring unity rather, the divide will only grow.
We can accept the fact that there are some people who enjoy the fight. Living in peace might mean keeping our distance.
We can remember there are people all around us in the midst of heartache; dealing with tragedy, loss, addiction, terminal illness; and hopelessness.
We can stop and look at the children in our lives and remember the example of Christ they are counting on us to be.
Our political opinion does nothing to help people know of God's grace, love and forgiveness.
Be ye kind to one another.
Live in peace with everyone.
I never thought I'd miss the pictures of "What I ate for breakfast" or "What kind of spider is this?"