Sunday, February 4, 2018

These Things Were Allowed So ...

It's the biblical truth no one talks about.

Jesus gives us the answer to the why's of life in John chapter 9. But it's the answer we don't want to hear.

His disciples asked Jesus--Who sinned? This man who was born blind or his parents? Whose fault is it, Lord? Someone must be to blame.

And Jesus' answer? Neither. His blindness was allowed so that God's works might be displayed in him.

It was allowed--God didn't cause it.

The reason? So God's works might be displayed in him.

We want God to stop all the madness in the world. We pray for Him to intercede and make people do the right thing. Stop addictions, stand between people who fight with each other, say the word and remove what causes great pain.

We beg Him to keep the cells in our bodies from betraying us, turning into cancer that kills.

We pour our hearts out and even try to make deals, if He would just heal the ones we love.

We cry out to Him to help us understand.

What motivates us is right ... or is it? We just want peace and joy and happiness.

Do we want God to be glorified? Do we want His works to be displayed in us no matter the cost?

We don't want to hear that these things are allowed so God's works might be displayed in us.

I wrestle with this just like you do. I want God to display His works my way.

When your heart is broken, when you are lost in yourself, when you wish you could somehow run away from pain ... let it drive you to Jesus.

When you are sick and tired of sick and tired, when confusion has tied you up in knots, when your anger consumes you ... take it to Jesus.

We don't have to try to force the display of God's works in us. We don't have to figure out what that looks like or how it's done. No, that's all God.

All we have to do is turn to Him and not our own way of dealing with these things that cut the deepest.

But, how? It's a conversation. It's prayer. It's an open Bible and more prayer.

And it's praise. Praise? Who feels like praise when wounds are open and emotions are raw? Praise Him for what?

It can begin small--praise Him for the air you breathe, the sun, the trees, the moon and stars. Praise Him for the shoes on your feet, the milk in your fridge, the neighbors dog that wakes you up every morning.

Praise Him for the people in your life, your job, your home, and your favorite chair.

Praise Him because He keeps His promise to work in all things to bring good for those who love Him.

Praise Him and see how His works are displayed in you.

And never try to find the right words to say to those who hurt when there are no right words. Offer tears, prayers, hugs, and just be present.

One day, it will all be okay. This life that is a blip on the radar will move over for eternity. I believe in His saving grace. I believe everything the Bible says about heaven. I believe in His promises.

Oh, that God's works might be displayed in my life and yours.

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