Thursday, April 20, 2017

Do I Have to Close My Eyes When I Pray?

One of the many joys of I find in leading in children is that of teaching them to prayer.

Let me first say, prayer is still a mountainous mystery to me. I'm still learning. What I do know though, is God tells us we should pray without ceasing, pray believing, and trust Him to answer out of His grand Fatherly grace and love for us.

I hope the kids I lead remember a few things for a lifetime.

God is holy and is worthy of our respect.

Prayer is an honor, not to be taken for granted.

Prayer can be spoken, thought, and felt. In other words, when we have no words the creator of our heart knows whats going on in the heart.

Kids, like adults, can pray anywhere, anytime. We talk about praying on the school bus, during an exam, in dark, in the daylight, while running on the playground, when seeing someone cry, and after winning the big game. Prayer takes place without saying a word and while saying many words.

Prayer is listening. We can pray scriptures and ask God to lead us. And God answers.

When we are in a large group, I teach the kids that everyone in the room, yes ALL of us, bow our heads and close our eyes. We do that so we are not distracted by the people around us. We do that so we can show God our respect by focusing on Him as we pray.

But, do I have to close my eyes when I pray?

Oh, no. No sweet child of God. Because He is all powerful, all knowing, and consuming love He hears the prayer of faith whether your eyes are open or closed. He hears your prayer even when you don't know how to pray.

He hears the prayers of His children that are words replaced by groans. He knows the heart when all we can whisper is "Oh, Father . . ."

Matthew 8:2 the leper prayed for healing and verse 3 Jesus heals.

Matthew 8:25 the disciples cry out for fear of drowning. Verse 26 Jesus calmed the storms - that on the sea and those in their hearts.

John 4:49 the official pleaded with Jesus to heal his son. Verse 50, Jesus said "Go, your son will live."

Acts 4:24-30 the disciples prayed for boldness and power; verses 31-33 the Holy Spirit answered.

As we pray, we remember that God is faithful to work in all things and to answer our prayers as He works His perfect will in our lives,

The wonder and mystery of prayer encompasses those times we can't understand. The long nights of what seems to be filled with unanswered questions. The sunrise that appears to shout the unknown.

James 1 reminds us to ask in faith without doubting.  Faith that God's will is perfect and we can trust His answer to be what is best. Best isn't always easy. But God's best is faithful and trustworthy.

When you pray, open your eyes and your heart. Know that God is faithful in all things.

Give God the glory as you face the unknown of the day. Praise Him for the sunrise. Trust Him in the heat of the day. Celebrate the breeze that cools you and vast blue sky that reminds you the Creator is real and always in charge. Exhale as you watch the sun begin to set, knowing God is present and faithful in the daylight and the night.

Open your eyes. God hears. God answers. God is faithful.


  1. Your best friend 😘 CourtneyApril 20, 2017 at 8:54 AM

    That brought tears to my eyes Shelley❤️ sometimes we all need to be reminded of the pure privilege and power of prayer. thank you for the encouragement ❤️

    1. I love you best friend, so glad this encouraged you. <3
